Thursday, September 30, 2010

Solar Power Rebates & Renewable Energy Assistance

From 3 February, 2009, the Australian Government is providing
rebates of up to help eligible home owners install solar hot water systems.
If you are an owner-occupier who has not already accesssed assistance
from the Insulation Rebate Program you may qualify for a rebate of up to
$1,600 to replace your existing electric hot water system with a solar hot
water system.
Most hot water systems meet the Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)
requirements to qualify for this rebate.
To learn more about the program, visit the
Energy Efficient Homes Package web page.

NSW Hot Water System Rebate
The NSW Goverment is offering a rebate of up to $1,200 to assist home
owners in NSW install solar hot water systems.
The amount of the rebate is based on how many Renewable Energy
Credits (RECs) the hot water system is rated to.
For more information about this program and to view the eligibility criteria,
visit the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change
Hot Water System Rebate page.

Victorian Government Solar Hot Water Rebate Programs
The Victorian Government has rebate programs that offer up to $1,500
for installation of Solar Hot Water systems.
The Government offers a program for both metropolitan Melbourne and
forregional Vistoria.
For more information about these rabtes visit the Vicotrian Government’s
ResourceSmart website.

Queensland Government
NEW: Solar Hot Water Rebate Payments have commenced
Right now, the Queensland Government is offering a rebate to eligible
households that replace their electric storage hot water system with
a solar hot water system or heat pump.
You could be eligible for a:
  • $1000 rebate (for pensioners and low income earners) or,
  • $600 rebate.
Rebate payments started on 1 July 2010.
Find out more about the new
Queensland Government Solar Hot Water Rebate.

Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme
The Queensland Government Solar Bonus Scheme pays households
and other small customers for the surplus electricity generated from
roof-top solar photovoltaic (PV) panel systems that is exported to
the Queensland electricity grid. The scheme is designed to make solar
power more affordable for Queenslanders, stimulate the solar power
industry and encourage energy efficiency.
More information:
Brisbane City Council Solar Hot Water Rebate Program
The Brisbane City Council have extended their Solar Hot Water Rebate
program until 30 June, 2009.
This program provides home ownders within the Brisbane City Council
with a rebate of up to $400 to replace an existing electric or gas
hot water system with a solar hot water system that achieves a
Renewable Energy Credit rating of at least 20 RECs.
Information about eligibility criteria and full terms and conditions can
be accessed at the Council’s Hot Water Rebate web page.

South Australian Solar Hot Water Rebate Scheme
The South Australian Government is offering concession card holders a
rebate of up to $500 to assist with the installation of solar hot water
EThe rebate is available to home owners who install a system, to serve
their principal place of residence; and at the time of installation,
hold at least one of the following Australian Government
concession cards:
  • Centrelink Health Care Card
  • Centrelink or Department of Verterans’ Affairs Pensioner
  • Concession Card
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card – Totally and
  • Permanently Incapacitated
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card – War Widow
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs – Extreme Disablement
  • Adjustment
For more information on the rebate program, visit the Department
for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure’s
Solar Hot Water Rebate Scheme website website.

Western Australian Solar Water Heater Subsidy Program
The Western Australian Sustainable Energy Development Office is
offering grants of up to $700 for installation of solar boosted gas
hot water systems to replace existing electric systems.
For more information about the rebate, visit the Australian Sustainable
Energy Development Office Solar Water Heater Subsidy webpage.
ACT Energy Wise Home Energy Audits
The ACT government is offering an Energy Wise Home Audit service
for just $30.
The audit will identify actions and modifications home owners can take
to reduce their energy use.
Home owners who spend $2,000 or more to implement the audit’s
recommendations may be eligible for a rebate of up to $500 to help
offset the costs of investing in clean energy alternatives.
For more information on the program, visit the
Home Energy Advice Team (HEAT) website.

More Information Go to The Kings of Green website

Don’t miss this: Join the Global Work Party on 10/10/10

Don’t miss this: Join the Global Work Party on 10/10/10 PDF Print E-mail

Hey everyone,

What do school children in Kabul have in common with the
Victorian town of Emerald?

They will all join our friends at for "The Global Work Party".
Together on October 10, we'll get to work in our communities on
projects that build the clean energy future.

With your help, 10/10/10 is going to be the biggest day of
practical action to cut pollution that the world has ever seen.

The buzz is building. Every day
new events are registered for 10/10/10
in Australia. Just this week we hit a milestone: every state and territory
has an event for 10/10/10. Find one here. And if you can’t find one,
why not start your own.

Let’s use the day to pressure our leaders to Get To Work
themselves right away on strong actions to cut pollution and
make clean energy cheaper.

Thousands of people around the world have registered their plans, i
ncluding bike repair workshoppers in San Francisco, school insulating
teams in London, wasteland-to-veggies gardeners in New Zealand,
and solar panel installers in Kenya.

Will you be one of them?

The day will kick off with President Nasheed of the Maldives installing
solar panels on his roof.

Three hundred universities in China and India have entered the
Great Power Race to install clean energy on their campuses.

The 10,000th seedling will be planted in Emerald, Victoria, and school
children from Kabul, Afghanistan have the same goal.

In Eastern Europe thousands of schools have been recruited to plant
trees for 10/10/10.

There are less than two weeks to go – if you haven't found an
event yet, there’s still time. Find one, or start your own, here.

Let's get to work,

Denise Boyd

Campaigns Director, ACF

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Kings of Green: Backyard Composting

The Kings of Green: Backyard Composting: "The BasicsThe microbiological process that creates compost is the natural process through which plants and other organic wastes are broken..."

Backyard Composting

The BasicsThe microbiological process that creates compost is the natural process through which plants and other organic wastes are broken down. Doing the work of creating compost are worms, insects, fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms that help to process dead materials.
The Golden Rule of CompostingComposting is a natural process that will pretty much happen no matter what. There is no need to obsess over creating a rapid, robust compost because even a failed compost heap will eventually succeed. That said, a very effectively created compost heap will proceed to finished compost much, much more quickly (and can be a strangely rewarding accomplishment).
The RequirementsFor the composting process to occur, oxygen, water, some warmth, and a good ratio of carbon-based to nitrogen-based materials are necessary. Fortunately, every one of these materials is abundantly available and should be essentially free!
The Bin
Many different compost bins are available, for many different prices (naturally). In fact, many cities offer conservation incentives through which they offer bins at highly discounted rates. Which one should you get? Here’s the beautiful thing – it really doesn’t matter. You will run into trouble if your bin is too small, but otherwise, any old container will do. In fact, no container at all is just fine too! Some of the best compost heaps are just that – a heap in a corner of the yard with a small enclosure or picket fence to keep things looking tidy.
The IngredientsThe insects and microorganisms that do the work of composting will come no matter what you do. Fortunately, putting out the right combination of nitrogen- and carbon- based materials will be like offering them a free all-you-can-eat buffet. Carbon-based materials to add to your compost should be available in abundance. These are the brown materials such as dead grass clippings, leaves, and even shredded cardboard. Nitrogen-based, or green, materials, can take the form of fruit peels, green grass clippings, and food wastes (avoid adding dairy and meat wastes). The ideal ratio for your compost is about 30 parts carbon to 1 part nitrogen, but anywhere in that neighborhood will work just fine.
The other two ingredients you will need to ensure a speedy process are water and air. Because the center of your heap will retain a great deal of water, the compost should not need to be wetted very often except during dry spells.
Oxygen is introduced by turning the compost (a pitchfork works best) about once a week, or when the compost slows down.
What (you hope!) Will HappenIf you have built a heap with a good carbon to nitrogen ratio, and one that’s sufficiently damp and oxygenated, the composting process should start immediately. After a while (approximately a day), when the process peaks, the center of your pile will be producing heat (sometimes a surprising amount of heat!). It is up to you whether you want to completely compost a batch of wastes and then start over, or simply add wastes as they become available. When the center of the pile cools, the process has slowed and it’s probably time to turn your pile. Repeat until you’ve got nothing left but black gold.
The ProductWhen your compost has been – well – composted – what will remain is a moist, black, sweet-smelling mulch approximately the consistency of soggy cardboard. Nature’s most potent fertilizer, compost can be spread on your flowers, in your garden, on your lawn, and anywhere else you want healthy, strong plants.
Skip the trash can for some of your waste – six weeks in your compost heap can break down more material than six years in a landfill – and the end result is free, natural fertilizer for your efforts!
Happy Composting!

More Eco Tips: Kings of Green

Monday, September 20, 2010

About The Kings of Green « The Kings of Green Product Review Blog

About The Kings of Green « The Kings of Green Product Review Blog

Our Mission Statement

“We Market Sustainable Living Products and Services by Empowering

People with Knowledge and Tools to Help Themselves and Others to

Make a Positive Difference to our Environment.”

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Zero Chemicals

How would you like to -Save money,
help the environment
and improve your health?

7 reasons why you need to live WITHOUT
chemicals starting right now
Save thousands every year by making your own natural alternatives.
That's right, I'm going to show you how to make your own natural
alternatives to all of those common household chemicals.
This is going to save you thousands each and every year.
Improve your overall health. Studies have show that chemicals can
cause cancers and other irreversible health problems.
This is something you really shouldn't ignore.
Boost your immune system and explode your energy levels.
If you find yourself always becoming ill or have low energy levels
you will highly benefit from chemical free living.
Help our environment by choosing the natural alternatives.
Our planet is fragile and doesn't like toxic chemicals.
We can all do something about it.
You can improve water and soil quality. Your chemicals are killing our
planet, together we can make a change for the better.
Become a leader within your community and spread the truth behind
those chemicals and how to use natural alternatives.
You will be able to spend your savings on more important things like
a family holiday or paying off your credit card.

Join the green living revolution and the thousands of people
who have already eliminated killer chemicals from their homes
using Zero Chemicals:

** Act now and start saving **
The ZeroChemicals kit is being enjoyed by many happy users
worldwide and now is the time for you to get involved.
You can start saving thousands every year, improve your health and
help the environment all with the help of ZeroChemicals.

Once you order below you will get instant access to both Volume 1
and Volume 2 of the ZeroChemicals kit.
Get started below:

Sustainable living advantages of renewable energy

Benefits of energy from the sun
Benefits of energy from the sun
Supplies of fossil fuels are dwindling all over the world. Because of this, governments and environmentalists are warning people that something needs to be done to keep up with this demand. People are looking at the advantages of renewable energy and whether it is a source of power that they are able to utilize.
Another major problem with fossil fuels is that they have a terrible impact on the environment. There is a direct correlation between the use of fossil fuels and global warming. Global warming severely impacts the way of life for both human and animal species, and changes weather patterns which includes heat waves, hurricanes and droughts.
If you are looking for a bit of education on the damage that global warming plays, I would suggest that you rent from your local video store the documentary ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. You will be surprised and will definitely want to incorporate renewable energy into the design of your home whether you are building new, or wish to make slight changes to your home to make it energy efficient.
One of the greatest advantages of renewable energy is that it is a clean green form of energy and produces a minimal carbon footprint. Because of this many, people are getting on the renewable bandwagon and choosing to use renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind power and geothermal energy.
You will find that there are more jobs created with the use of renewable energy, and these are more likely to stay in the United States as well. Many of these positions offer good pay and benefits.
Another one of the advantages of renewable energy is that the government is stepping up and providing tax credits and incentive programs for people who choose to install renewable energy technology. There are currently federal tax credits available for people who choose to install solar power. These federal tax credits make up 30 per cent of the value of solar systems and can be used for both commercial and residential properties.
By making renewable energy more affordable, people are more willing to install renewable energy technology to protect the environment from further global warming if it is within their reach. Those people who choose to install renewable energy are often those same people that promote green communities. Many of these communities work hard at being environmentally conscious citizens, and do what they can to improve the environment and the world that we live in.
Green cities promote certain environmental policies for people to stick to in order to become more energy efficient and cut down on pollution and damage to the environment. Every year, National Geographic produces the Green Guide. It gives great information about a number of green issues and also lists the top 10 green cities. Is your city going to be featured in this year’s guide?
The advantages of renewable energy could fill a whole book. It is also important that we look at the disadvantages of renewable energy as well. The main disadvantage that screams out at us is the fact that it is too cost prohibitive to install renewable energy technology. Until this improves, only those that have disposable cash will be able to afford the $10,000- $20,000 plus it costs to install a PV solar system that actually has the capacity to zero or even credit your power bills.

eco friendly renewable energy
More sustainable living green ideas  Go Solar with The Kings of Green

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Kings of Green Product Review Blog

The Kings of Green Product Review Blog

What are the Benefits of Magniwork?

By constructing the magniwork power generator, you will be able to generate completely free electric energy, meaning , create energy without needing any source of renewable or non-renewable energy. The generator powers itself and creates energy by itself, without requiring solar energy, heat, water, coal or any kind of resource. This generator powers itself and works indefinitely, without stopping, creating a large amount of energy. Here are some of the benefits that Magniwork has:

Works in every home, it requires only a small amount of space

You can eliminate your power bill by 50% or even completely, depending on how

you implement the magniwork generator

Works in all condition, can work in extreme hot or cold without

any problem

The Material needed to build the magniwork generator is cheap and easily

accessible anywhere in the world

We have simplified the process, The steps are easy to follow, even a

complete novice would be able to follow them

" width="17" height="17">Contains a bonus chapter about the backgrounds and history of Magniwork

Our easy-to-follow guide will show you how to construct the Magniwork free energy generator, which will run infinitely and create free electric energy. This method has been thoroughly researched, and is currently considered as a possible mean of completely solving the energy crisis. A Magnetic Perpetual Motion Device much like Magniwork refers to a device that works perpetually i.e. indefinitely, and produces more energy than it consumes, which ultimately results in a surplus of electrical energy which can be used to power your home.

Can this device be used to power a household?

The magniwork free energy generator, can be efficiently used to power your home with almost zero costs on your side. Furthermore, the generator is eco-friendly and doesn’t produce any harmful byproducts.

Hundreds of successful magniwork generators have been built around the world, which is a proof that this technology really works! We predict that the technology will rapidly spread, and some industry-insiders even predict that the mangiwork free energy generators will be the energy in the future. These experts estimate, that by 2020 energy companies will start implementing this technology in order to create cheaper and more environment friendly energy. Until that time comes, you can use our technology at a very reasonable set-up cost.

Find more info on Magniwork here

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lets see the BigBrother tax this fuel!

It will be a miracle if the oil companies allow this car to get into production.  
They'll think of some way to spoil the party.  
If not, then governments will ban it because it will spoil their massive fuel tax money-grabbing rorts.

 Tata Motors to introduce Air Car - Is it the next big thing?
Tata Motors is taking giant strides and making history for itself. First the Landrover-Jaguar deal , then the world's cheapest car and now it is also set to introduce the car that runs on air, compressed air. 

With spiralling fuel prices it is about time we heard some breakthrough!
India 's largest automaker Tata Motors is set to start producing the world's first commercial air-powered vehicle. 

The Air Car, developed by ex-Formula One engineer Guy N觲e for Luxembourg-based MDI, uses compressed air, as opposed to the gas-and-oxygen explosions of internal-combustion models, to push its engine's pistons. Some 6000 zero-emissions Air Cars are scheduled to hit Indian streets by August 2010.
The Air Car, called the MiniCAT could cost around Rs. 3,50,000 ($ 8177) in India and would have a range of around 300 km between refuels.
The cost of a refill would be about Rs. 85 ($ 2). 

The MiniCAT which is a simple, light urban car, with a tubular chassis that is glued not welded and a body of fiberglass powered by compressed air. Microcontrollers are used in every device in the car, so one tiny radio transmitter sends instructions to the lights, indicators etc.
There are no keys - just an access card which can be read by the car from your pocket. According to the designers, it costs less than 50 rupees per 100Km (about a tenth that of a petrol car). Its mileage is about double that of the most advanced electric car (200 to 300 km or 10 hours of driving), a factor which makes a perfect choice in cities where the 80% of motorists drive at less than 60Km. The car has a top speed of 105 kmph. Refilling the car will, once the market develops, take place at adapted petrol stations to administer compressed air. In two or three minutes, and at a cost of approximately 100 rupees, the car will be ready to go another 200-300 kilometers. 

As a viable alternative, the car carries a small compressor which can be connected to the mains (220V or 380V) and refill the tank in 3-4 hours. Due to the absence of combustion and, consequently, of residues, changing the oil (1 litre of vegetable oil) is necessary only every 50,000Km). 

The temperature of the clean air expelled by the exhaust pipe is between 0-15 degrees below zero, which makes it suitable for use by the internal air conditioning system with no need for gases or loss of power. 

 More Eco News: The Kings of Green

Thursday, September 9, 2010



  • The Kings of Green 
    Hello every1
    Women are a beautiful and integral part of our lives. They
    are strong, courageous, caring, sensual, loving and hold a
    special place in our hearts.
    Yet even though they impress us with who they are, they
    all still exhibit one characteristic flaw (no, it's probably
    not what you're thinking).
    It's all explained in this inspiring and uplifting short movie
    called, "The One Flaw In Women."
    This beautiful 3-minute movie has already been seen by
    nearly a million people all around the world, and I'd like
    to share it with you as a gift of inspiration.
    Watch "The One Flaw In Women" now and you'll feel
    better all day.
    So sit back, turn up your speakers and enjoy! Just click this
    link to watch this 3 minute movie now at:
    Be well,
    cheers, Bob.

    P.S. This movie is a gift and should be shared as such.
    Please "Pass It On" by sharing this powerful experience
    with the most important women in your life.
    Invite them to go to:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No Arms No Legs No Worries

Thanks for sharing .WOW! Whatan inspirational guy! The ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE 100%. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Friendsdirect Bobsblog Review - Graduate University/College Debt Free!

Friendsdirect Bobsblog Review - Graduate University/College Debt Free!

Virgin Coconut Oil Capsules

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