Wednesday, September 24, 2014

WE DID IT!! Largest. Climate Change. March. In History

Dear Amazing Avaazers,Months ago, our community decided on a crazy goal - the largest mobilisation on climate change in history. Yesterday, we blew past our wildest expectations, with a climate march *6 times* the size of anything before it!!! This was 80 city blocks of New York: And this was London, Berlin, Bogota, Paris, Delhi, and Melbourne

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Time to shine, right now, every conversation for Solar counts

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Evolving Consciously

Bob Fordham shared Cari L Murphy s photo. Beautiful Words, from a Beautiful Lady I will practice this more often , Thankyou Cari Placing our focus and attention on what we LOVE instead of draining ourselves and our spirits by resisting or fighting against what we fear or perceive to be wrong is the direct pathway to inner harmony, personal liberation of the soul, and gentle, purposeFULL expansion. We are far more productive, creative, beneficial, and of service to ourselves and the world when we add to and amplify the frequencies of love, abundance, joy, radiance, vitality, gratitude and harmony by consciously selecting where we place our attention and focus. The world needs you to shine your beautiful light and add to rather than diminish the overall collective light available to us ALL. Thank you for playing your significant melody in the cosmic symphony. You matter. You make a profound difference. #love #empowerment #soul #spirit #success #inspiraton #positivevibrations #light Rela

Friday, September 5, 2014

Your bank might fund the destruction of the Barrier Reef!

The billionaire Indian magnate planning to ship millions of tonnes of coal through the Great Barrier Reef is facing accusations of massive exploitation of his Indian workforce including underpayments and exposing them to cholera. The Age, 5 September 2014 Hey , On the front page today, The Age exposed Adani for what it is. A ruthless, greedy operator with an atrocious human rights and environmental record. On one side, gifts of silver and crystal are lavished upon Australian politicians. On the other, The Age reports that Adani pays a twelve year old boy $2.60 per day to work on a construction site for twelve hours, six days a week. It s reported employees are paid below minimum wage, have no legal protections and have no access to toilets, meaning breakouts of cholera are common.1 Adani built a coal port in India without proper environmental approvals, displacing local villagers and destroying conservation areas.2 Unbelievably, the Australia