Monday, January 31, 2011

The Kings of Green: Earthwise Power Savers- a new revolutionary energy saving idea.

The Kings of Green: Earthwise Power Savers-

Earthwise Power Savers- a new revolutionary energy saving idea.

Earthwise Power SaversPDFPrintE-mail
A new revolutionary energy saving idea!

Earthwise Power Savers are bringing you the latest innovation in  
Energy Savings Technology.

Our Power Saver Unit fine tunes the electricity that is received at 
your home or business meter.

This fine tuning reduces heat generation, amperage and results in 
reduced Electricity consumption.

The Problem

"Over $80 billion dollars of electricity is unusable energy, 
but billable in the U.S." U.S. Dept. of Energy
Not mention what it would be here in Australia? 
What we do know is that up to 30% of your billable electricity
consumed in homes and businesses is non-productive & unusable.
What this means is that even though you pay for all of your energy, 
you only get use around 70% of it.
(Will any of the Power Companies speak out about this?
I don't think so!)

Are you ready for the next round of 2011 Electricity increases?
According to the Department of Mines & Energy , 

Queensland’s Electricity prices have increased 32.25% in the last
3 years!!
That’s an average of around 10% per year and climbing.
We can expect the same  increase in Queensland again
(by stealth in our bills) in 2011.
NSW power bills have already increased by 75% in the last 2
years! (The Daily Telegraph 21st December 2010. 
And the rest of Australia has the same ole' sad stories to tell.

Real terms that’s an extra $100-$300 increase, you will be out
of pocket
for (depends on your useage of course)

Do nothing and enjoy not getting full value for you hard earned
dollars & keep complaining every Qtr when the mail arrives!!.
(that your right to do so)

Act now and find ......

The Solution
Invest in an Earthwise Power Saver to suit your power habits.
Ø  EPS’s  will  help you to save up to 35% or more each month.
Ø  Guaranteed to fine tune the distribution of your heat generation
amperage resulting in reduced consumption.
Ø  Prolong the electrical motor life of your non element appliances.
Ø  Correcting your Power Factor throughout your home for better

Ø  Are portable to other houses (after being professionally installed
by a licenseed Earthwise Electrician, the unit must be professionally
uninstalled & re-installed for up to 12 months after purchase).
Ø  Surge protect the entire house.

Ø  Reduce your Carbon Footprint.
Ø  Eliminate the wastage of Billable Power.
Ø  Return your initial investment within a short period of time
(3-5 years) in most cases.

Earthwise have successfully negotiated a 0 interest Finance Option,
now available for your consideration
You can be saving more rather than spending more.
No Interest!
High Approval rate (self employed, pensioners, all sorts of income
earners OK).

Models Available Now: 

* Domestic - 4 models- Single Phase & 3 Phrase
*Commercial (New models coming very soon)
*Industrial (Models being tested now for release in 2011)

Please call me to set up a mutual time for us to discuss further
details anywhere in SE Queensland.
(Dutside these areas, lets talk as Earthwise is expanding

M: 0439 375 148
My Consultant ID# 284897

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Eco Lawn & Garden Care Shop - Find Naturally Healthy Solutions

Eco Lawn & Garden Care Shop -
Find Naturally Healthy Solutions

Eco Lawn & Garden Care Shop

Find Naturally Healthy Eco Lawn & Garden Care Products & Services to help you with your eco friendly projects.

Discover ways of reducing harsh chemicals by using safer alternatives like organic fertilisers, eco- hydroseeding, environmentally friendly lawn paint, eco-friendly herbicides, water crystals, lawn & garden care tips, landscaping ideas and much more.

Everything we do outside affects our Environment. ultimately the lifestyle we enjoy. The less resources we use up, the less harsh chemicals we use & think of better ways to recycle, the better off we will all be.

If we can all individually minimalise our impact by using more environmentally friendly alternatives,
then collectively our impact will be less on our land and our waterways.
Our Children and Mother Earth will thankyou.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Stop Dieting, Start Eating, Start Living

Stop Dieting, Start Eating, Start Living

Hello Every1 If you've ever spent even 2 minutes on the internet, it's
pretty clear that there is no shortage of weight loss, fat loss,
and diet advice out in the world today.

In a way, this is kind of a good thing. If someone is motivated
to lose weight and change the direction of their health,
they've got a ton of wonderful information at their fingertips.

But, in a way, this is a very BAD thing as well, because
based on what I've seen on a lot of weight loss and diet
sites, the information is inaccurate, not scientifically based,
and, in some cases, could even be detrimental to someone's

That is usually where the confusion begins...and for some...

If you're not a nutrition and exercise expert yourself, how
are you supposed to differentiate the good from the bad?

Well, I've got some pretty great news for you today. Not
only have I found a great resource for you...jam packed
with real, useful, accurate and easy to understand also happens to be NO CHARGE!

That's right. The following 20 minute video I'm about to
share with you contains a ton of great fat burning information
you can put to use right away. Actually, I've even had some
people tell me that by just using the principles contained in
this video, they were able to easily lose their first 10 lbs.
How great is that?

You too can watch this NO CHARGE video by clicking
the logo below:

If you want to know...
• Which foods you may think are helping you lose weight
(but are actually causing you to gain weight)

• Which Carbs, Proteins, and Fats are the best to eat for
maximum fat loss

• How to regulate specific hormones to cause fat burning
in your body

• Exactly which strategies will never work when it comes
to weight loss

Then this video is for you!

I know you'll enjoy the information as much as I did.
Be well,
