Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Public ignorant about key messages concerning diet and cancer

New research on public perceptions about cancer reveals that 50-year-old ideas still hold sway while many current lifestyle messages are not getting through.

On the positive side, however, the vast majority of people now believe cancer is curable.

Experts at the University of Leicester and Leicester’s Hospitals carried out the research to assess patients’ beliefs about the causes of cancer, which was funded by the Leicestershire-based charity Hope Against Cancer.

WQTTS Detox Cleansing

WQTTS Detox Cleansing

Stop Toxic Fluoride addition in our tap water

Stop Toxic Fluoride addition in our tap water

Stop Toxic Fluoride addition in our tap water

Take Action

with care2.com petitions against Fluoride!

For many years Australian Governments have insisted in adding fluoride to our water.

Sodium Fluoride is a poison known in rat poison and is more toxic than lead. Now the practice has spread to untreated industrial fertiliser waste being dumped into our water supplies. (See Fire Water – the film info below)

It has been proven to be ineffective at preventing cavities by the American chemical society. Also studies show that countries which do not fluoridate their water such as Germany and Finland have the great improvements in their dental health aswell, proving that fluoride addition is not effective. 60% of the fluoride ingested is retained in your bones and other bodily tissues. This can lead to Ostocarsoma and also target organs such as the heart, bones, intestinal systems and also the central nervous system.

It can also have disastrous affects on unborn babies and infants.
We need to work together to get this out of water systems accross Australia and we need your help.

So please sign if you want to stop ingesting poison everytime you want a drink! It will benefit us all!

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

Your contribution can go further by being apart of the “Against fluoridated water” groups and be apart of the growing discussion, we can do this!

  • signature goal: 50,000

Sign the Petition:

More Actions………
To join the “People against Fluoridated water” group, please go here:

Also:The fluoridation empire is continuing to crumble! This September 2011 alone, there have already been another four US community victories against fluoridation. Join the movement

More related links: all you ever needed to know about the truth & what really goes on with this totally unhealthy practice here in Australia and certainly copied in many countries globally:

© 2011 Sapphire Eyes Productions.

Stop Toxic Fluoride addition in our tap water

Stop Toxic Fluoride addition in our tap water

Take Action

with care2.com petitions against Fluoride!

For many years Australian Governments have insisted in adding fluoride to our water.
Sodium Fluoride is a poison known in rat poison and is more toxic than lead. Now the practice has spread to untreated industrial fertiliser waste being dumped into our water supplies. (See Fire Water – the film info below)
It has been proven to be ineffective at preventing cavities by the American chemical society. Also studies show that countries which do not fluoridate their water such as Germany and Finland have the great improvements in their dental health aswell, proving that fluoride addition is not effective. 60% of the fluoride ingested is retained in your bones and other bodily tissues. This can lead to Ostocarsoma and also target organs such as the heart, bones, intestinal systems and also the central nervous system.
It can also have disastrous affects on unborn babies and infants.
We need to work together to get this out of water systems accross Australia and we need your help.
So please sign if you want to stop ingesting poison everytime you want a drink! It will benefit us all!
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Your contribution can go further by being apart of the “Against fluoridated water” groups and be apart of the growing discussion, we can do this!
  • signature goal: 50,000
Sign the Petition:

More Actions………
To join the “People against Fluoridated water” group, please go here:
Also:The fluoridation empire is continuing to crumble! This September 2011 alone, there have already been another four US community victories against fluoridation. Join the movement
More related links: all you ever needed to know about the truth & what really goes on with this totally unhealthy practice here in Australia and certainly copied in many countries globally:
© 2011 Sapphire Eyes Productions.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Forks for Knives- Can degenerative diseases be reversed by eating green?

Start a lifelong conversation about diet, disease, and health with ‘Forks Over Knives,’ featuring leading experts on health. ‘Forks Over Knives” will prompt you to examine the questions: Despite having the most advanced medical technology in the world, why don’t we know and why aren’t we healthier?
What has happened to us?
synopsis top burger girl Synopsis
Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every measure. Two out of every three of us are overweight. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. About half of us are taking at least one prescription drug. Major medical operations have become routine, helping to drive health care costs to astronomical levels. Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the country’s three leading causes of death, even though billions are spent each year to “battle” these very conditions. Millions suffer from a host of other degenerative diseases. Could it be there’s a single solution to all of these problems? A solution so comprehensive but so straightforward, that it’s mind-boggling that more of us haven’t taken it seriously? FORKS OVER KNIVES examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods. The major storyline in the film traces the personal journeys of a pair of pioneering researchers, Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
.synopsis t colin campbell Synopsis
Dr. Campbell, a nutritional scientist at Cornell University, was concerned in the late 1960′s with producing “high quality” animal protein to bring to the poor and malnourished areas of the third world. While in the Philippines, he made a life-changing discovery: the country’s wealthier children, who were consuming relatively high amounts of animal-based foods, were much more likely to get liver cancer. Dr. Esselstyn, a top surgeon and head of the Breast Cancer Task Force at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic, found that many of the diseases he routinely treated were virtually unknown in parts of the world where animal-based foods were rarely consumed. These discoveries inspired Campbell and Esselstyn, who didn’t know each other yet, to conduct several groundbreaking studies. One of them took place in China and is still among the most comprehensive health-related investigations ever undertaken.
synopsis t colin campbell farm Synopsis
Their research ledthem to a startling conclusion: degenerative diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even several forms of cancer, could almost always be prevented – and in many cases reversed – by adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet. Despite the profound implications of their findings, their work has remained relatively unknown to the public. The filmmakers travel with Drs. Campbell and Esselstyn on their separate but similar paths, from their childhood farms where they both produced “nature’s perfect food,” to China and Cleveland, where they explored ideas that challenged the established thinking and shook their own core beliefs. The idea of food as medicine is put to the test. Throughout the film, cameras follow “reality patients” who have chronic conditions from heart disease to diabetes. Doctors teach these patients how to adopt a whole foods plant-based diet as the primary approach to treat their ailments – while the challenges and triumphs of their journeys are revealed.
synopsis group at dinner Synopsis
FORKS OVER KNIVES utilizes state of the art 3-D graphics and rare archival footage. The film features leading experts on health, examines the question “why we don’t know,” and tackles the issue of diet and disease in a way that will have people talking for years. FORKS OVER KNIVES was filmed all over the United States, Canada and China.